What We Do
Everything we do contributes towards one aim: to inspire the next generation to know their worth, flourish in their relationships and value their sexual choices.
What We Do
We deliver holistic Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in all school types and in many different community settings across Northern Ireland. Our programmes for young people, parents & carers aim to inspire, equip and resource the next generation to know their worth, flourish in their relationships and value their sexual choices.
Through holistic Relationship & Sexuality Education (RSE) in schools and the community:
- We encourage and equip young people to understand and value strong, healthy relationships
- We resource families to use the positive influence they have to support their young people as they develop relationships with others
- We challenge culture to prioritise strong, healthy relationships
We create space for honest conversations about authentic relationships.
Love For Life supports schools in their delivery of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE), providing programmes and lesson plans in over 75% of Post-Primary schools and over 40% of Primary Schools across Northern Ireland. We are committed to working in partnership with teachers to ensure that excellent Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is delivered.
Parents or carers have the most significant influence in shaping children and young people’s attitudes, values, and beliefs, as well as habits and practices around healthy relationships. They deserve to feel equipped and confident to lead the conversations, that will shape attitudes, values and beliefs in their children in the area of relationships and sex. We offer programmes to help parents and carers develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in this area.
As a youth leader, either voluntary or professional, you have a unique role to help young people value strong, healthy relationships and offer them the opportunity to critically reflect and evaluate how their attitudes, values and beliefs will shape the choices they make. We have funded Relationships and Sexuality Education programmes available to groups across Northern Ireland.
We are committed to working with churches and faith groups to engage well in the discussion about relationships and sex. We believe faith communities are uniquely placed to support their young people as they develop relationships with others. We provide programmes, resources and training for leaders, parents/carers and young people, that present a possible, purposeful, and life-giving vision for young people’s character and relational choices.
We believe that when people value relationships and make other-regarding choices, society thrives.
Our Work & Impact
The latest stats, figures and quotes as we work towards achieving our vision!
Impact Report 22/23